In-Line Amplifier

This is a small audio amplifier that simply plugs into any audio line using RCA jacks. It requires 12 Volts to operate  and it efficiently boosts any audio signal. On the IBT studio consoles, the 12 Volt amplifier input may be connected directly to the audio board or from the auxiliary 12 Volt source on the back of  the console.

Audio amp



Some of the users of the Wantok-SBS-1 and Wantok-SBS-2 consoles have attempted to connect a computer's line-out audio to the console.  In some cases, the computer's audio level was not sufficient to give a satisfactorily  high audio level to the transmitter input.


For those wishing to use the Wantok-SBS-1 or Wantok-SBS-2 for this purpose, we have developed a small in-line amplifier that can be powered by any of the 12 Volt power points on the console.


This compact unit features:
        bullet A voltage gain of 14 (23 dB) from 30 Hz to 500 Hz (bass boost)
        bullet A voltage gain of 7 (17 dB) from 500 Hz to 16 kHz
        bullet Maximum input voltage of 15 Volts (recommended 12 - 13.8 Volts from the console)
        bullet These units can be cascaded and are easily connected with their RCA connectors.
Price per amplifier: US$38.00 

IBT Products

[Dividing Line Image]
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Last modified: November 13, 2013