
 HomeProductsServicesWhat's NewOrderingAbout usClearance

We provide complete portable broadcasting units as well as individual components and accessories that make up a broadcast station.

FM Broadcast Transmitters

Low-cost transmitters that operate from 12 Volts DC, permitting battery operation.

Wantok-SBS-1 : Radio Station in a Suitcase
A completely portable FM radio broadcast station contained in a 'suitcase' format.
Wantok-SBS-2 : Radio Station in a Suitcase
A completely portable FM radio broadcast station with computer controlled programming.
Audio Equipment
Upgrade or replacement audio equipment.

Wantok-RRS-1 : Radio Relay System

A radio rebroadcast controller, for a second, remote, transmitter.

In-Line Audio Amplifier.

          Efficiently boosts any audio signal.

Optional Items

A variety of optional items are available to enhance the basic unit and to permit greater flexibility in meeting user needs.


Reliable vertical and dipole broadcast antennas.

Lightning Protectors

Transmitter protection from lightning.

Weather Stations

Add a Davis weather station to your broadcast station.


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Page created by D. Lemoine
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Last modified: November 14, 2013