Clearance Items
International Broadcast Transmitters currently has limited stock of these items, and are offered for sale at reduced prices.

          filter      US$175.00

  Click on Image for a larger view

This used cavity filter is an economical choice for filtering the output of an FM broadcast transmitter.  It comes pretuned to any frequency of your choice across the 88 to 108 MHz band, and comes complete with an RG-8 coaxial jumper cable to connect the unit between a transmitter and antenna cable.  It is suitable for a maximum transmitter power of 150 Watts.

   STD transmitter                  STD transmitter        US$500.00

                                                                                       Click on Image for a larger view

This STD Inc. model TF(S)-50 is a 50 Watt stereo FM transmitter.  It features XLR as well as unbalanced audio inputs, full metering, and operates from 24 VDC input power.

IBT Ordering Page Please Note:

        bullet All domestic sales are subject to federal and provincial taxes.
        bullet All foreign sales are tax-free however prices do not include shipping, insurance, customs entry, or licensing fees.

IBT Products

[Dividing Line
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Last modified: March 3, 2012