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Contact Information

Daniel Lemoine
Fax:                          204.434.6005
Postal address:       
P.O. Box 1052, Grunthal, MB, CANADA , R0A 0R0
Business Address: 
26064 Road 29N, Grunthal, MB, CANADA
Electronic mail, sales and support:      
E- Mail

Response Time
If requesting answers regarding technical assistance, please allow a minimum of 24 hours response time.

Overseas Sales

Verify the number of broadcast stations sold worldwide, by country.
Company History

Wantok Enterprises Ltd. was formed as a telecommunications & broadcast consulting company in 1992.  In 1995, following the development of a line of low power transmitters in conjunction with Total North Inc. of Whitehorse, Yukon, the company turned to designing and building complete, DC powered FM broadcast stations with a view to making community radio stations affordable enough to be purchased and maintained by local organizations throughout the developing world.


Commonwealth of Learning was one of our more supportive associates in the early years as were ACMAD of Niger, NOAA in the U.S., USAid in Mali, UNDP, UNESCO, Africare, and many others.  With their support, we ultimately achieved the installation of hundreds of these stations, providing community communications in dozens of countries and to millions of people throughout Africa and Asia, as well as in the South Pacific and Caribbean regions.


Radio still remains one of the most effective means of bridging communications gaps in developing areas of the world as it speaks any local language and dialect and can deliver information from point to multi-point at a very low cost.  Using solar panels and battery powered DC systems, we were able to venture into areas where local community radio had, up to that point, only been a dream. 


After 15 years of working internationally to promote FM community radio, it is time to pass the job on to younger hands. I would like to take the opportunity of thanking all the great people who have guided me, assisted me and promoted our dream.  If you continue to provide my successor, at International Broadcast Transmitters, with the support you provided me, community radio will continue to serve that “last mile” with information and communications for years to come.

Our logo

IBT logo

         bullet The triangle represents the antenna symbol
         bullet The three sides of the equilateral triangle represent the three components of broadcasting: information, transmission, and reception
         bullet The circle represents sharing of information and oneness with community

Wantok Enterprises PowerPoint Presentation
Download PowerPoint Viewer here:   PowerPoint 2007 Viewer

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Page created by D. Lemoine
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Last modified: January 14, 2012