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Wantok-SBS-2 "Radio Station in a Suitcase"


Product Summary

A complete FM Radio Broadcast station capable of operating within or beyond existing commercial power networks. It's 13.8/28 Volt DC power requirement permits battery operation from solar or other charging sources to reach that last mile that is so important in educational broadcasting.  The wide range of audio sources makes the Wantok-SBS-2 an ideal choice for stations with access to digitally stored music and sound clips.

  SBS-2 console 

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Key Features

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88-108 MHz in 200 KHz steps. Frequency is easily adjusted with internal DIP switches. These units also feature phase locked loop circuitry ensuring high frequency stability from -25 degrees Celsius through +45 degrees Celsius. Frequency deviation is +/- 75 kHz; distortion >0.2%; RF Impedance 50 Ohms. Reflected power indicator and deactivation circuits ensure no burnout of the unit.
Six Channel Audio Mixer
This compact mixer features a microphone input sensitivity of 1 mV; Line output sensitivity of 100 mV. The output level at 1 kOhm load = 1mV. The input overload on the microphone is >250 mV. The line input is > 6 Volts. Distortion is < 0.5%. The signal to noise ratio is > 55 dB. Frequency response is 20-20000 Hz +- 2 dB. The power requirement for operation of the mixer are a minimum of 9 V DC and a maximum of 13.5 V DC.
Compact Disc/MP3 Player
The basic unit includes an MP3/CD compact disc player that has a signal/noise ratio of 80 dB; WRMS<0.25%. The sampling frequency is 44.1 kHz . This unit features a Digital/Audio 1 bit converter as well as a semi-conductor laser pickup light source. The pickup wave length is 790 nm. The laser output of the unit is 0.5 mW continuous.
The unit contains a dynamic/unidirectional microphone with an impedance of 500 Ohms. The sensitivity of the unit at 1 kHz is -77dB (0dB=1V/microbar). The frequency response is 100 Hz to 10 kHz. It uses an XLR connector and has a flexible neck for adjustment.

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Last modified: January 14, 2012